We are making the referral application process easier!

You asked for forms that could be completed digitally and we have responded. Please see the easy steps below:

STEP ONE: Review our Program Introduction to determine if there is a good fit. If there is a good fit, contact to let us know you are interested in a placement. There is no form to complete in this step! Just take a look at 

STEP TWO: Complete the Placement Intake Screening and send it to We will get back to you if we believe the youth will be successful in the program with provisional acceptance. Please let us know if your request is an emergency and we will expedite your request.

STEP THREE: Complete the Admission Package and send it to We will get back to you with formal acceptance.

STEP FOUR: Complete the Informed Consent for Treatment and send to We will confirm the admission date and schedule this with you.

STEP FIVE: Download and print the Resident Handbook and share this with your youth. The youth may contact the program if they have any questions. Please bring the Resident Handbook to the intake meeting along with a Birth Certificate and Alberta Health Care Card.

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